Sunday, February 28, 2010

Changing Lifestyles

As my spiritual development has grown, I've gone through many changes in life, and I've noticed that I've really never been in shape. I've decided that it is important for me to start eating better and working on getting in shape so I can go further with my spiritual development. I've noticed over the years the connection that is forged within ourselves between our minds, bodies and spirits.

By working towards my physical well-being it can only lead me to greater mental and spiritual well-being. I am also debating some work with Yoga and Tai Chi. That decision has yet to be made and we will see where it leads. Joining me on my journey is my lovely wife Christen who has consented to changing her diet and exercise as well so that we can grow healthier together. I am truly looking forward to this as I believe it will help me further my spiritual development and lead me to new discoveries.

I've ordered a couple of cookbooks and started looking for some beginner classes in my area for Tai Chi and Yoga. I know for sure I can at least return to nature walks and hikes for exercise once the winter weather breaks over the next few weeks. I am greatly looking forward to that because walking always gives me more energy and makes me feel better. Time to work on my body so that my mind can flourish and my spirit soar!

(This is also posted on my blog at

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Quote of the week 2-27-10

I never did a day's work in my life. It was all fun.
Thomas A. Edison

Monday, February 22, 2010


The Contest for my upcoming book "Honoring the Sacred Earth: A Path to Spiritual Awakening" is coming along great. 41 states and 8 countries are represented. Feel free to join in. I'd love to see all 50 states entered. Right now I'm missing Hawaii, Minnesota, Vermont, South Dakota, Nevada, Mississippi, West Virginia, Wyoming, and Georgia. So to anyone who reads this if you have friends there or are from there feel free to enter. I've decided as a goal if I actually get people from all 50 states I'll add extra prizes to help spread the joy, most likely a couple extra copies of my book.

So we shall see how it unfolds!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Interesting Day

Been an interesting day around here. We started with my son (2yrs old) locking himself in the downstairs bathroom and my needing to play action hero and break in the door. Well there is more bills to pay out so I hope the new book does really well lol. Within a week or so I'll need to pay for a new door and this time a lock that can be sprung from the outside.

We then went out to play with his cousin and had one heck of a time. He had a great day indeed. I've come to find that i need a bit more time for my writing as well so I can keep it all going. Writing, Promotion, fatherhood and a day job definitely keeps one extremely busy. Its been fun and keeps being that way so other than the occasional being tired I really get a lot done.

Life is an interesting journey that keeps you always on your toes, as do two year old children.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Quote of the week 2-19-10

Being busy does not always mean real work. The object of all work is production or accomplishment and to either of these ends there must be forethought, system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose, as well as perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing.
Thomas A. Edison

Sunday, February 14, 2010


“I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.”
-Mother Teresa

"Where there is love there is life."

"To love another person is to see the face of God."
–Victor Hugo

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching I thought a post on the topic of love would be appropriate. Love is a very charged word that has a depth of meaning to everyone. There are many forms of love that exist in the world. Love has launched ships and started wars; love has helped to create some of the most inspired works of art and has destroyed whole nations. Love is indeed a powerful and driving force within the human race.

From the time we are born we begin to recognize love, or the lack of it, in our lives. We learn to love ourselves and love others based on these early experiences and tend to lean towards what we’ve been taught. This can be changed over time if need be or we perhaps it doesn’t need to be because we are happy.

The first thing we need to learn is to love ourselves. If we don’t love ourselves it becomes harder for us to love others and to be loved. All of us have both positive and negative aspects to ourselves and our personalities. When we love ourselves we tend to focus more on the positive aspects and let them shine through more which allows others to see these wonderful aspects.

We need to learn to love others. To love the Divine who loved us enough to bring us into being. We also need to learn to love our families even though this can be hard at times. We also should strive to love everyone in the world. Everyone has the spark of the divine in them and everyone is worthy of our love.

Love must be given freely and accepted freely to exist. You cannot put conditions or rules on love and expect it to flourish. When it is restricted love can tend to fade, love only grows when allowed to do so. So open your hearts and let the love flow for love given only brings more love back in return.

Happy Valentines Day!!
(This post also appears on my other blog

Friday, February 12, 2010

Quote of the week 2-11-10

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.

-Lao Tzu

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My thoughts on Education

Well my son is now 2 and a half and has a bit to go before he is school age and it has caused me to look back at my own education and wonder where education might go or need to go in the future. I had a few setbacks here and there in my education some due to my own fault and others by no fault of my own due to changing in circumstances. I have emerged a relatively well educated individual with a bachelors degree and thoughts of going on for a Masters and PhD.

Though as I look back I see a few flaws that exist in the school system, at least in the part of the US I live in, perhaps all of the US. What I find is that teachers are underpaid and though attempts are made they are also not held accountable for the quality of education that they give. This is in no means meant to slight teachers as they have taken upon themselves this great task of teaching the youth of our world and shaping the future but to point out flaws in the current system. Were teachers better paid and education better funded I believe there would be greater accountability and the learning of our nations youth would benefit greatly.

In the past the school year (especially in rural areas) served to educate the children while having them out of classes for the important seasons where farm work needed to be done. This is no longer the case in our society (for the most part) and I believe that the school year should either be lengthened or in order to save funds in climates that get rather cold have their breaks in the winter in order to save on heating bills and the consumption of more fossil fuels to heat the schools.

I also think it would be good to extend the school day so that each school day, like a typical workday is 8 hours long with 2 short breaks and an half-hour to full hour lunch break. I believe that if this happened it would help to ready our children (especially of high school age) for the workforce. I also believe that by splitting days into different subjects as we do we may be doing a disservice. I believe each day should be set aside to teach one subject with breaks giving a more intensive immersion into the subject matter allowing for a deeper understanding and specialization by teachers so that they aren't forced to go all over the place in one given day (especially on the grade school level) and that in each day 2 hours one in the morning and one in the afternoon should be given to physical education instead of making it a "separate class". Each day might serve best being started with physical education to get the blood pumping and mind working, and to help get rid of the wiggly feelings students often feel in school and ended with the same so that they stay focused and go home calmer.

Again these are only my own personal thoughts and ideas on the subject, some may love them, others may hate them but in the end I do think we need to ponder what will best serve our children. This may not be it, or it may I am no expert but I really think its something we should think about.

Though I do Definitely Think that we need to pay our teachers more and fund the education of our children fully as they are the future not only of our nation but of our world.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Busy busy

Its been so busy lately with my regular day job and book promotions and my teaching online that I've barely had time to think. Its good though hopefully it will all be worth it in the end and my writing and publishing career will take off allowing me the freedom to leave my day job far behind.

Most of my energy this week has been directed to launching my contest at as well as watching the book specific website slowly come together. Lots of work to
do yet in the promotions department and even more to do when the book actually comes out.

Been having some fun with the family as well when time allows especially making sure to take some time each day to play with my son. Lots of fun to be had by all.

Well I think that will be all for now. Have fun and don't forget to enter the contest!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010

In Honor of my second book!

In honor of my second book I will be holding a contest through my official author site The direct link is . Below you will find a copy of the rules. is Proud to Present the "Honoring the Sacred Earth: A Path to Spiritual Awakening" Contest

Please submit your information on the form below if you wish to enter the contest. This contest will run from Feb 1, 2010 until March 31, 2010. The winners will be chosen at random from all entries on April 2, 2010 and the winners will be notified via e-mail. (April 2 chosen so that no one thinks it’s an April fool’s joke)

The Grand Prize winner will receive one Free copy of “Honoring the Sacred Earth: A Path to Spiritual Enlightenment” and "Under an Expanse of Oaks, A Druid's Journey" by Rev. David P. Smith signed by the Author. Also the winner will receive a pendant and a tee shirt (Size large or Extra Large)

One First Prize winner will receive one free copy of “Honoring the Sacred Earth: A Path to Spiritual Awakening” by Rev. David P. Smith signed by the author and a tee shirt (Size Large or Extra Large)

One Second Prize winner will receive one free copy of “Honoring the Sacred Earth: A Path to Spiritual Awakening” by Rev. David P. Smith signed by the author and a pendant.

One Third Prize winner will receive a pendant and a tee-shirt.

One Fourth Prize winner will receive a tee shirt.

None of your information will be shared with any third party for any reason and will be deleted at the end of the contest. I may use the information to send one promotional e-mail or snail mail letter to go along with the contest. If I send a snail mail letter it will most likely include a bookmark and/or other freebies.
No Purchase Necessary.
Please submit only one entry per person.
Please fill out all fields to be a contestant.
Contest has no cash value only the listed prizes are available.
All winners will be notified via e-mail no later than 11:59 PM EST April 2, 2010 if the e-mail listed is not valid or bounces back for any reason the prize will be forfeited and a new winner chosen.
Good LUCK!

Yours Under the Trees,
Rev. David P. Smith